Welcome to my website! My name is Liu Peng (彭柳), and I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Peking University. I study historical legacies of communism, especially those related with the grandiose program of Soviet industrialization. I adopt a mix-methods approach relying on causal inference tools, archival evidence, and in-depth ethnography in the field. I have a passion for travel, with the goal of marking my footprints in all of the top 100 cities of the former USSR (currently 14/100). My work appears on Post-Soviet Affairs, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, and among others. Originally I am from Tianshui, Gansu (甘肃天水), China. I lived in Beijing for six years for my bachelor’s and master’s. I received my PhD in Political Science from the University of Minnesota.
Feel free to contact me at pengl at pku.edu.cn
Click here for my profile in Chinese with my institution.
Background: Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (defunct), Visaginas, Lithuania
Kivovakan Chemical Combine (defunct), Vanadzor, Armenia, photo by Liu Peng